Award Winning Baby Scan Facility Four Years Running 2021-2024 - South West England & GHP Healthcare Dedication Excellence.


Amazing things babies do in the womb - Crying, Smiling Laughing

Amazing things babies do in the womb - Crying, Smiling Laughing

Facial expressions are essential for bonding between parents and baby. Whilst baby is in the womb facial expressions are developing. With the magic of  4D scan technology we are now lucky enough to be able to see our baby's facial expressions before they are born.

The cry expression and the laughter expression are made up of seven facial movements and these take some practice to perfect! The number of facial expressions increase with gestational age and between the stage of 24 weeks to 35 weeks facial expression can increase from 7% to 69% when making 3 or more simultaneous facial expressions. During a 4D scan you may see not very many if baby is having a snooze, but you may also see a whole range.

Take a look at some of these facial expression pick up during 4D scans. Absolutely wonderful!



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