Award Winning Baby Scan Facility Four Years Running 2021-2024 - South West England & GHP Healthcare Dedication Excellence.


Gender Reveal Surprise Package

From 15 + 4 weeks


Gender Reveal Surprise Package - EarlyLife
Gender Reveal Surprise Package - EarlyLife Gender Reveal Surprise Package - EarlyLife

An early gender scan can tell you the gender of your baby from 15 weeks 4 days. Many people are having private gender scans four weeks + ahead of the usual routine baby scans. More time to get prepared!

  • A Secret 2D scan to check the gender. Screens on or off at your request
  • 2D images sent digitally
  • 2 Printed Images (further Images can be purchased)
  • A Great Big Balloon OR Canon with appropriate colour confetti inside
  • 4D Scan viewing (optional)


Please note - If you are having a gender reveal party or gathering and you don't want to know the gender of your baby during the scan, it isn't possible for the sonographer's to show you as much as they would normally, so please bear this in mind.